Company Directory

A global company directory application

Project Information

Project Overview

Company Directory is a single page application built as part of a full-stack web development course. It uses functional PHP scripts to perform SQL CRUD, vanilla JavaScript for SPA behaviour, and Bootstrap for styling. In my early learning it was a fantastic way to learn the LAMPP stack, SSH and the linux CLI, functional PHP, JavaScript DOM manipulation for SPA filtering and searching, safe SQL, and responsive design.

Key Features

  • Contacts: The app allows create, read, update, and delete of employees, departments, and locations.
  • Search and Filter: The directory has SPA searching and filtering.
  • Dependent Records: Records cannot be deleted if they have dependent records.
  • Escaping: All input is escaped to avoid SQL injection.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap 5
  • Deployment: AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance running Apache (LAMPP)

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