Gazetteer Map Application

A maps application for weather, sightseeing, headlines, and stats

Project Information

Project Overview

Gazetteer is a Leaflet JS maps application built as part of a full-stack web development course. It uses multiple geodata APIs to display visual borders and a range of information for a selected country. In my early learning it was a vital step in becoming comfortable with APIs, libraries, documentation, and responsive design. It was also a lesson in gracefully handling situtuations where APIs are discontinued - this happened during development with the Triposo API that powered the hidden gems feature.

Key Features

  • Geodata: The app displays the area, population, capital, exchange rate, geolocated Wikipedia articles, weather station data, headlines, and national holidays for the selected country.
  • Planner The planner used the Triposo API (discontinued) to show hidden gems for a selected country and to automatically plan a feasible trip for you based on parameters.
  • ISS: The app tracks the International Space Station and shows its readings.
  • Night Mode: The theme toggle switches the tile layer used in Leaflet JS for night mode.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Leaflet JS
  • Deployment: AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance running Apache (LAMPP)

🔗 Visit the project here.