Nov3l (Scrypto)

A decentralised fiction library

Project Information

  • Category: Web3 Development / Blockchain
  • Project Date: March 2024
  • URL:

Project Overview

Nov3l is a personal full-stack web3 project that functions as a decentralized fiction library. It allows users to connect via their browser's wallet extension, such as Metamask, and engage with the platform by uploading and funding fiction using Ethereum.

Key Features

  • Auth: Users connect with their web3 wallets to interact with the platform.
  • Upload & Fund Fiction: Users can upload their fiction and fund the work of others using Ethereum.
  • Storage: Fiction content is stored on the Filecoin blockchain nodes using the IPFS protocol.
  • NFT Minting: The Nov3l smart contract mints an NFT to the user's connected wallet address, proving ownership of the uploaded work. The NFT metadata is also stored on IPFS.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: Vite/React, Tailwind CSS
  • Backend: Express.js
  • Smart Contracts: Solidity, Thirdweb
  • Deployment: AWS instance running NGINX

🔗 Visit the project at to explore the decentralized fiction library!